Dr. Martin Luther BIBLE
© DrMartinLuther.info by John Biermanski, Germany 2025 - DATENSCHUTZERKLÄRUNG - IMPRESSUM - old webside: www.sabbat.biz

The Holy Bible

The Sacred Scriptures

The Holy Bible 2020


Scope: PDF 858 pages, ePUB 1118 pages Language: English Published: 1st edition August 2020 Publisher: Ebozon Publishing ISBN 978-3-95963-744-2 (PDF) ISBN 978-3-95963-742-8 (ePUB) ISBN 978-3-95963-743-5 (Mobipocket) eBook format:         PDF           ePUB           Mobipocket Artikel-Nr.: 2213 € 17.99  

The Holy Bible

(Part 1/2)

Scope: PDF 428 pages, ePUB 461 pages Language: English Published: 1st edition July 2016 Publisher: Ebozon Publishing ISBN 978-3-95963-271-3 (PDF) ISBN 978-3-95963-269-0 (ePUB) ISBN 978-3-95963-270-6 (Mobipocket) eBook format:         PDF           ePUB           Mobipocket Artikel-Nr.: 2046 € 7.99  

The Holy Bible

(Part 2/2)

Scope: PDF 626 pages, ePUB 708 pages Language: English Published: 1st edition July 2016 Publisher: Ebozon Publishing ISBN 978-3-95963-274-4 (PDF) ISBN 978-3-95963-272-0 (ePUB) ISBN 978-3-95963-273-7 (Mobipocket) eBook format:         PDF           ePUB           Mobipocket Artikel-Nr.: 2047 € 7.99  

Dr. Martin Luther

„Este un lucru dezgustător să-l vezi pe omul care se pretinde a fi locţiitorul lui Hristos, etalând o astfel de măreţie pe care nici un împărat nu o poate egala. Se aseamănă această fiinţă cu Isus cel sărac sau cu Petru cel umil? Ei spun că el este stăpânul lumii! Dar Hristos, al cărui vicar se laudă a fi, spunea: „Împărăţia Mea nu este din lumea aceasta.” Pot oare stăpânirile unui vicar să se întindă dincolo de acelea ale superiorului său?” (D’Aubigne, cartea 6, cap. 3). în Român:  € 0.00  

Dr. Martin Luther

“It is a horrible thing to behold the man who styles himself Christ’s vicegerent, displaying a magnificence that no emperor can equal. Is this being like the poor Jesus, or the humble Peter? He is, say they, the lord of the world! But Christ, whose vicar he boasts of being, has said, ‘My kingdom is not of this world.’ Can the dominions of a vicar extend beyond those of his superior?” (D’Aubigne, book 6, chap. 3). in Russian:  € 0.00  
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"I feel my spirit stirred within me. I feel to the depth of my being that the truth must be borne to other countries and nations and to all classes. Let the missionaries of the cross proclaim that there is one God {El [Elohim]}, and one Mediator between God {YAHWEH} and man, who is Jesus Christ {Yahshua the Messiah}, the Son of the Infinite God. This needs to be proclaimed throughout every church in our land." (Ms40-1891.78; Ellen White 1888 Materials 886.3; editor: {…})
Dr. Martin Luther BIBLE

The Holy Bible

The Sacred Scriptures

The Holy Bible 2020


Scope: PDF 858 pages, ePUB 1118 pages Language: English Published: 1st edition August 2020 Publisher: Ebozon Publishing ISBN 978-3-95963-744-2 (PDF) ISBN 978-3-95963-742-8 (ePUB) ISBN 978-3-95963-743-5 (Mobipocket) eBook format:         PDF           ePUB           Mobipocket Artikel-Nr.: 2213 € 17.99  

The Holy Bible

(Part 1/2)

Scope: PDF 428 pages, ePUB 461 pages Language: English Published: 1st edition July 2016 Publisher: Ebozon Publishing ISBN 978-3-95963-271-3 (PDF) ISBN 978-3-95963-269-0 (ePUB) ISBN 978-3-95963-270-6 (Mobipocket) eBook format:         PDF           ePUB           Mobipocket Artikel-Nr.: 2046 € 7.99  

The Holy Bible

(Part 2/2)

Scope: PDF 626 pages, ePUB 708 pages Language: English Published: 1st edition July 2016 Publisher: Ebozon Publishing ISBN 978-3-95963-274-4 (PDF) ISBN 978-3-95963-272-0 (ePUB) ISBN 978-3-95963-273-7 (Mobipocket) eBook format:         PDF           ePUB           Mobipocket Artikel-Nr.: 2047 € 7.99  
ebozon ebozon ebozon ebozon ebozon ebozon

Dr. Martin Luther

„Este un lucru dezgustător să-l vezi pe omul care se pretinde a fi locţiitorul lui Hristos, etalând o astfel de măreţie pe care nici un împărat nu o poate egala. Se aseamănă această fiinţă cu Isus cel sărac sau cu Petru cel umil? Ei spun că el este stăpânul lumii! Dar Hristos, al cărui vicar se laudă a fi, spunea: „Împărăţia Mea nu este din lumea aceasta.” Pot oare stăpânirile unui vicar să se întindă dincolo de acelea ale superiorului său?” (D’Aubigne, cartea 6, cap. 3). în Român:  € 0.00  
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Dr. Martin Luther

“It is a horrible thing to behold the man who styles himself Christ’s vicegerent, displaying a magnificence that no emperor can equal. Is this being like the poor Jesus, or the humble Peter? He is, say they, the lord of the world! But Christ, whose vicar he boasts of being, has said, ‘My kingdom is not of this world.’ Can the dominions of a vicar extend beyond those of his superior?” (D’Aubigne, book 6, chap. 3). in Russian:  € 0.00  
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© DrMartinLuther.info by John Biermanski, Germany 2025  - DATENSCHUTZERKLÄRUNG - IMPRESSUM - old webside: www.sabbat.biz
"I feel my spirit stirred within me. I feel to the depth of my being that the truth must be borne to other countries and nations and to all classes. Let the missionaries of the cross proclaim that there is one God {El [Elohim]}, and one Mediator between God {YAHWEH} and man, who is Jesus Christ {Yahshua the Messiah}, the Son of the Infinite God. This needs to be proclaimed throughout every church in our land." (Ms40-1891.78; Ellen White 1888 Materials 886.3; editor: {…})